
Admin diagnostics allows the site administrator to run a series of automated tests against the platform to validate basic functionality across a number of services.

This functionality can be particularly helpful as a post-deployment step.

The site admin can assign user permission to access Admin Diagnostics by going to Admin > App permissions > Admin Diagnostics (Web Read).

Additionally, the Diagnostics API endpoints are publicly available. You can run these tests by issuing API calls to the system test and performance test endpoints.

System tests

System Tests are run as a group, with each test validating some individual functionality with API calls. Each individual test that fails will be reported, indicating that some attempted operation did not succeed or did not behave as expected.

The current set of tests verify that the following file operations are correctly performed on the Instabase Platform:

  • Create directory

  • Create new files

  • Copy and move files

  • Copy and move folders

  • List directory

  • Read and write large files (up to 100 MB)

  • Unzip and extract files

Performance tests

Performance tests meter and report execution of Instabase platform operations. These tests can be used to guage expectations on the performance of operations or investigate performance issues.

Instabase supports performance tests for the filesystem and database.

Filesystem test

Filesystem performance tests fall under two categories: API tests and RPC tests.

API tests send HTTP requests to the public filesystem APIs. API-level testing is useful for metering the performance of filesystem operations when interacting with the public API. RPC tests send requests directly to file-service, using internal endpoints.

RPC-level testing is useful for directly metering file service and provides the closest gauge of filesystem performance for Instabase applications. For example, you could use RPC testing to investigate filesystem performance within a Flow.

The following tests are available:

Test Description
perf_test_read_file_api Sends read requests to the public fileystem API
perf_test_read_file_rpc Sends a RPC read request directly to file-service
perf_test_write_file_api Sends write requests to the public filesystem API
perf_test_write_file_rpc Sends a RPC write request directly to file-service
perf_test_write_file_multipart_rpc Sends a RPC write reuqest directly to file-service. Useful for testing writes of large files 25mb >). Only available with File-Service V2 enabled. Defaults to perf_test_write_file_rpc if using File-Service V1.

You can run filesystem performance tests flexibly over different file sizes (kb), duration (seconds), and number of threads (mimicking number of users concurrently issuing requests). Recommendations for parameterizing filesystem performance tests are provided below.

The results of running performance tests over these parameters is not guaranteed. Results depend on the specific environment and configuration of the Instabase installation. These numbers provide one example of how performance tests can be leveraged.

Smaller file size test:

  • file_sizes_kb = [0, 100, 1024 (1mb)]

  • num_threads = [4]

  • duration_seconds = 120

  • tests =[‘perf_test_read_file_api’, ‘perf_test_read_file_rpc’,‘perf_test_write_file_api’, ‘perf_test_write_file_rpc’]

Larger file size test:

  • file_sizes_kb = [10240 (10mb), 40960 (40mb)]

  • num_threads = [4]

  • duration_seconds = 120

  • tests = [‘perf_test_read_file_api’, ‘perf_test_read_file_rpc’,‘perf_test_write_file_api’, ‘perf_test_write_file_rpc’, ‘perf_test_write_multipart_file_rpc’]


The following are sample results for tests run with the recommended parameters above. These results were produced on an Instabase sandbox deployment with the following configurations:

Config Type Value
Kubernetes Service Location US-East-2
Node Instance Type spot instances (m5.2xlarge/m4.2xlarge/t3.2xlarge)
File Storage NFS (AWS EFS)
File Storage Location us-east 2 (NFS drive mounted on same deployment)

The following table shows the average lantency and 90th percentile latency of each test. Each test name contains both the test type and the size of file used in the test. For example, Read-File RPC 100kb means an RPC request was sent to file-service to read a file with size 100kb.

These results are only an example.

Test name Avarage(s) 90th percentile(s)
Read-File HTTP API 0kb 0.1634 0.2108
Read-File RPC 0kb 0.0395 0.0371
Write-File HTTP API 0kb 0.2000 0.2711
Write-File RPC 0kb 0.0623 0.0645
Read-File HTTP API 100kb 0.1608 0.2117
Read-File RPC 100kb 0.0630 0.0574
Write-File HTTP API 100k 0.2187 0.2945
Write-File RPC 100kb 0.1029 0.1218
Read-File HTTP API 1024kb 0.1842 0.2530
Read-File RPC 1024kb 0.0670 0.0624
Write-File HTTP API 1024kb 0.2843 0.3826
Write-File RPC 1024kb 0.1326 0.1744
Read-File HTTP API 10240kb 0.6855 0.9704
Read-File RPC 10240kb 0.2341 0.2725
Write-File HTTP API 10240kb 1.1054 1.5175
Write-File RPC 10240kb 0.4083 0.6975
Write-File Multipart RPC 10240kb 0.4021 0.6522
Read-File HTTP API 40960kb 2.1458 2.9503
Read-File RPC 40960kb 0.9425 1.2062
Write-File HTTP API 40960kb 3.6139 4.9440
Write-File RPC 40960kb 1.5761 2.6686
Write-File Multipart RPC 40960kb 1.5692 2.7027

Database test

Database performance RPC tests can be used to provide the baseline performance for each dialect (MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SQLServer, SQLite). Each test sends a single RPC request to the database service and triggers testing for multiple iterations. Tests can help you diagnose potential issues in database servers.

The following tests are available:

Test Description
perf_test_delete_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to delete one row from testing table.
perf_test_insert_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to insert one row into testing table.
perf_test_insert_large_text_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to insert one row with long text into testing table.
perf_test_join_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to join two tables.
perf_test_ping_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a simple database query.
perf_test_read_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to search, read one row from testing table.
perf_test_read_large_text_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to read one row with long text into testing table.
perf_test_scan_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to scan the whole testing table.
perf_test_scan_index_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to scan the indexed column.
perf_test_scan_sorted_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to scan the whole testing table, order the entries.
perf_test_update_database_rpc Sends a RPC request to database-service to invoke a query to update one row into testing table.

You can run database performance tests flexibly over different configurations. The configurable parameters include:

  • Iterations: Number of repetitions for each test case

  • Scan Test Row Count: Number of rows inserted during the setup process for SCAN related tests, including JOIN, SCAN, SCAN_INDEX, SCAN_SORTED tests.

  • Row Count: Number of rows inserted during the setup process for UPDATE/READ related tests, including READ, READ_LARGE_TEXT, UPDATE tests.

Recommendations for parameterizing database performance tests are provided below. The results of running performance tests over these parameters is not guaranteed. Results depend on the specific environment and configuration of the Instabase installation. These numbers provide one example of how performance tests can be leveraged.

Lightweight test:

  • iterations = 10000

  • scan_test_row_count = 10000

  • row_count = 100

  • tests =[‘perf_test_ping_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_read_database_rpc’,‘perf_test_insert_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_update_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_delete_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_insert_large_text_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_read_large_text_database_rpc’]

Indepth test:

  • iterations = 100

  • scan_test_row_count = 10000

  • row_count = 100

  • tests = [‘perf_test_scan_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_scan_index_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_scan_sorted_database_rpc’, ‘perf_test_join_database_rpc’]


The following are sample results for tests run with the recommended parameters above. The tests were run against a sandbox environment. The configurations are shown as below:

Config Type Value
Kubernetes Service Location US-East-2
Node Instance Type spot instances (m5.2xlarge/m4.2xlarge/t3.2xlarge)
Database Dialect MySQL (AWS RDS)
Database Instance Location US-East 2

You can select any number of subtests (11 tests available) when starting a new performance test. The following table shows part of latency analysis extracted from the raw JSON result (in milliseconds). Each test name contains both test type and the number of entries the test works on. For example, SCAN RPC 10000 rows means scanning a table with 10000 entries. For the details of all fields in raw JSON object, see the Diagnostics API documentation.

Test name Average 90th percentile
PING RPC 0.935 0.988
READ RPC 100 rows 0.664 0.511
INSERT RPC 2.026 2.273
UPDATE RPC 100 rows 0.992 0.930
DELETE RPC 0.607 0.471
READ_LARGE_TEXT RPC 100 rows 4.015 4.756
SCAN RPC 10000 rows 122.622 178.071
SCAN_INDEX RPC 10000 rows 11.422 17.475
SCAN_SORTED RPC 10000 rows 112.069 167.760
JOIN RPC 10000 rows 30.595 33.087