Excel Functions


get_cell_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, row_index, col_index)

Returns the dict representation of a cell from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  row_index (int): row index of the cell in the sheet

  col_index (int): column index of the cell in the sheet


  Returns a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_cell_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, 2, 3)

    -> {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}


get_cell_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, row_index, col_index)

Returns the dict representation of a cell from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  row_index (int): row index of the cell in the sheet

  col_index (int): column index of the cell in the sheet


  Returns a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_cell_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', 2, 3)

    -> {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}


get_columns_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of columns from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns the columns from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_columns_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [[{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}, {'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        [{'type': 'cell_date', 'value': 48350.0}, {'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        [{'type': 'cell_boolean', 'value': 1}, {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]]


get_columns_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, col_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of columns from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns the columns from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_columns_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [[{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}, {'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        [{'type': 'cell_date', 'value': 48350.0}, {'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        [{'type': 'cell_boolean', 'value': 1}, {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]]


get_formatted_cell_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, row_index, col_index)

Returns the string representation of a cell from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  row_index (int): row index of the cell in the sheet

  col_index (int): column index of the cell in the sheet


  Returns a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_cell_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, 2, 3)

    -> 'hello'


get_formatted_cell_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, row_index, col_index)

Returns the string representation of a cell from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  row_index (int): row index of the cell in the sheet

  col_index (int): column index of the cell in the sheet


  Returns a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_cell_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', 2, 3)

    -> 'hello'


get_formatted_columns_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of columns from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns the columns from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_columns_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [['hello', '1.0'],

        ['2020-01-22T00:00:00', ''],

        ['True', 'world']]


get_formatted_columns_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, col_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of columns from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns the columns from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_columns_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [['hello', '1.0'],

        ['2020-01-22T00:00:00', ''],

        ['True', 'world']]


get_formatted_groups_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, key_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of groups from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  key_index (int): column index to use as the keys of the groups

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns a mapping from key to row. For each row, the value in the key_index column is the key. The mapped value is a list of the other cells in the row, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_groups_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 2, 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> {'hello': ['1.0'],

        '2020-01-22T00:00:00': [''],

        'True': ['world']}


get_formatted_groups_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, key_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of groups from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  key_index (int): column index to use as the keys of the groups

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns a mapping from key to row. For each row, the value in the key_index column is the key. The mapped value is a list of the other cells in the row, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_groups_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> {'hello': ['1.0'],

        '2020-01-22T00:00:00': [''],

        'True': ['world']}


get_formatted_rows_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, row_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of rows from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  row_indices (List<int>): list of rows to be retrieved; if None, all rows are returned


  Returns the rows from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_rows_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, row_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [['hello', '1.0'],

        ['2020-01-22T00:00:00', ''],

        ['True', 'world']]


get_formatted_rows_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, row_indices=None)

Returns the string representation of rows from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  row_indices (List<int>): list of rows to be retrieved; if None, all rows are returned


  Returns the rows from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a string representation of the cell.


  get_formatted_rows_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', row_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [['hello', '1.0'],

        ['2020-01-22T00:00:00', ''],

        ['True', 'world']]


get_groups_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, key_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of groups from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  key_index (int): column index to use as the keys of the groups

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns a mapping from key to row. For each row, the value in the key_index column is the key. The mapped value is a list of the other cells in the row, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_groups_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 2, 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> {'hello': [{'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        '2020-01-22T00:00:00': [{'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        'True': [{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]}


get_groups_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, key_index, col_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of groups from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  key_index (int): column index to use as the keys of the groups

  col_indices (List<int>): list of columns to be retrieved; if None, all columns are returned


  Returns a mapping from key to row. For each row, the value in the key_index column is the key. The mapped value is a list of the other cells in the row, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_groups_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', 0, col_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> {'hello': [{'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        '2020-01-22T00:00:00': [{'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        'True': [{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]}


get_rows_from_sheet_index(record, sheet_index, row_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of rows from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet index


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_index (int): index of the desired sheet in the record

  row_indices (List<int>): list of rows to be retrieved; if None, all rows are returned


  Returns the rows from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_rows_from_sheet_index(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 0, row_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [[{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}, {'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        [{'type': 'cell_date', 'value': 48350.0}, {'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        [{'type': 'cell_boolean', 'value': 1}, {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]]


get_rows_from_sheet_name(record, sheet_name, row_indices=None)

Returns the dict representation of rows from an Excel sheet referenced by sheet name


  record (IBOCRRecord): original IBOCRRecord passed in using INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD

  sheet_name (str): name of the desired sheet in the record

  row_indices (List<int>): list of rows to be retrieved; if None, all rows are returned


  Returns the rows from the sheet as a list of list of cells, where each cell is a dictionary representation of the cell in the format {'type': <cell_type>, 'value': <value>}.


  get_rows_from_sheet_name(INPUT_IBOCR_RECORD, 'sheet name 1', row_indices=[0,1,2])

    -> [[{'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'hello'}, {'type': 'cell_number', 'value': 1.0}],

        [{'type': 'cell_date', 'value': 48350.0}, {'type': 'cell_blank', 'value': ''}],

        [{'type': 'cell_boolean', 'value': 1}, {'type': 'cell_text', 'value': 'world'}]]